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Gorgeous Dendritic Quartz Point Free Standing Statement Piece Perfect Gift From Madagascar

Regular price £33.00 GBP
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Gorgeous Dendritic Quartz Point Free Standing Statement Piece Perfect Gift From Madagascar

Weight 0.275kg
Size 9cm by 5.5cm
Thickness 4cm

Dendritic quartz contains fern-like inclusions of iron, manganese, hematite and other metallic oxides that grow in a fractal pattern. The word “Dendrite” comes from the Greek word “Dendron” meaning tree. The quartz is typically clear in colour with black, brown and yellow to red tree like inclusions, displaying a little scene of nature.
Dendritic Quartz has a meaning and effect of giving vitality to its owner. It has the power to find where energy is stuck and fix it. You would be able to get your vitality back by improving your energy circulation. It is also good to use when you want to relieve your mind or increase your motivation.
Quartz Crystal is one of the most powerful healing and energy amplifiers on the planet due to its helical spiral crystalline form. Quartz Crystal absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. Quartz Crystal protects against radiation, generates electromagnetism and dispels static electricity.