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Clear Quartz Point With Black Tourmaline Inclusions- Crystal, Home Décor

Regular price £35.00 GBP
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Clear Quartz Point With Black Tourmaline Inclusions- Crystal, Home Décor

Weight 80g
Size 7.5cm by 3.1cm
Thickness 2.5cm

Black tourmaline is a pyroelectric stone. This means that it produces electricity when it becomes heated. In addition, this stone is also piezoelectric. It is capable of storing electrical charge. Given these properties, it is definitely a powerful stone. It provides plenty of protection benefits for your overall well-being and health. The metaphysical properties of Black Tourmaline include its abilities to shield you from harm in all its forms, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It’s a stone that you should never be without because it can protect you against accidents, misfortune, sickness, and everything that brings negativity or unhappiness. It can also help ground you when the world becomes overwhelming. Black Tourmaline should always be close to you so that you will always have good health, happiness, good luck, and optimism.

Quartz Crystal is one of the most powerful healing and energy amplifiers on the planet due to its helical spiral crystalline form. Quartz Crystal absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. Quartz Crystal protects against radiation, generates electromagnetism and dispels static electricity. Known as the “Stone of Power”, clear quartz has the ability to amplify any energy or intention. This crystal protects against negativity and connects you to your higher self. It is also said to relieve the pain if placed on the area of discomfort.